CACC Rule Change Proposal

Date CreatedJanuary 11, 2024
Name of ProponentPhil Roney/Doug Floer
Short DescriptionTo bring medical examination eligibility period to a safer limit
Applicable Regulatory DocumentRace
Type of Rule ChangeModification
Section to be Added or Changed3.6.3
Current Regulation

3.6.3 All examinations must be completed by a licenced medical practitioner using only a CACC
approved medical form within 180 days of application or renewal. CACC reserves the right to
refer any submitted medical form to a licenced medical practitioner of its choice for review.

Proposed Regulation

3.6.3 All examinations must be completed by a licenced medical practitioner using only a CACC
approved medical form within 60 days of application or renewal. CACC reserves the right to
refer any submitted medical form to a licenced medical practitioner of its choice for review.

Reason for Rule Change

The 180 day grace period allows applicants to use the medical examination form for renewals for multiple years. In the case where the applicant is over 59 years of age, the medical examination form can be used to apply for a license for two consecutive years, which violates the intention of requiring a medical every year for older drivers, presenting a safety and liability risk. The change to 60 days will minimize and/or eliminate the problem.

Phil Roney and Doug Floer

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority